A Message to Our Esteemed Customers

Friday 19th August 2016

We have just released a new build as part of our continual product development cycle and BRSANALYTICS V2.7.3 is now available for installation.

Below is a list of new items available as product fixes and / or enhancements.

Please let us know should you wish to book an update appointment on your current setup which depending on your current version normally takes approximately 1 to 1.5 day per server including a health check. Kindly advise should you be interested and we’ll revert with a more exact time-frame based on your setup.

Fixes and Enhancements in the Application:

INC NoTitleDescription
#922Industry Length in EOPIncrease from 20 to 50 characters
#925Business Rules on Facilities• Ability to execute business rules on facility file (Rules Category ID 25)
• Be able to check flag only (no changing) on "UnconditionallyCancellable"
Clients File – New fieldsBalanceSheetTotal #float
AnnualTurnover #float
StaffHeadcount #number

SMESupportingFactor – used for SME Supporting Factor
#924Reclassifications – Transferrable DepositAddition of reclassification on ACCS Indicator “Transferrable Deposit”
#374Flows Multi Currency Transformation• Support for NON-EUR Flows which was not fully supported in V2.
• For Flows File, when the customer is NON-EUR, the customer must supply the Exchange_Revaluation_LCY. This is the revaluation from FCY  LCY and within BRS, will be placed inside the cube field “

Renaming in cube from Rate to Rate Closing and Rate Opening.
#374Enhancement in Exchange Adjustment Calculations
( a.k.a Revaluation)
For both EUR and NON-EUR Base Currency:

• Calculation of Exchange Rate Adjustment on Movement which was previously only calculated on the Opening Balance. Internally these fields are known as Revaluation Opening, Revaluation Movement and Total Revaluation.
• Same logic applies to the Interest Calculations.
#921Active Directory Group in SharepointWhen adding an active directory group to a sharepoint application group, on first login of a user, sharepoint also adds the account to sharepoint. This account was however not being linked to the correct brs admin / users sharepoint group.
#927Default value for Unconditionally CancellableUnconditionallyCancellable defaults to NONE instead of NO
#926In Default for the QuarterNew flag to identify accounts which have gone in default for the quarter

Changes in Core Structure / Fixes in Formula Files: 

No new Changes in Core Structure

INC No.ScheduleDescription
LD4/AL2Column AB/AC – change in TM measure to Reclassification measure
AS6Fix in 4.1.2
LHFormula variation (without Shareholder’s capital file) for Sections 1-3 to cater for both with and without ShareCapital File
Flows1R58,R59,BB58,AL59 – Removal of double measure
Flows1Row55 (Item 9) - Removal of TMAI formulas
Flows1Row 102 (Item 5.4) - Removal of TMAI Formulas
FlowDepositsFix in Section 1 and 2, Inconsistent use of Reclassifications formulas
FlowLoansFix in RECLASSIFICATION Section. Removal of brFlag_Reclas as this was no longer required, Inclusion of brM_Reclassification measure where this wasn’t included.
Flows4Cell BB58, Fix in formula to include additional unallocated assets
Flows4Fix in Assets : Section 5 (Line43) related to NON-MMF Investment Funds
AL1Tweaking in and and to place remaining house loans in this line
Replacing of EconomicIndustry with Industry
ADAddition of IFERRORS
AL8Addition of IFERRORS
Flows4AZ92, Fix of measure from BT to TrueMovement (TM)
Flows4Fix in Row97 and Row102
ALine 2.4, 3.4.1, 3.4.2, 5.2, 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.2.3
Split on HFT (Using MarketValue), FVTPL (Using MarketValue), AFS (Using MarketValue), HTM (Using Balance)
AS10Split on HFT (Using MarketValue), FVTPL (Using MarketValue), AFS (Using MarketValue), HTM (Using Balance)
Inclusion of variable for decimal places
F_7.00Fix in Row 120 due to Rounding and update in template
F_18.00Removal of Industries from Row 140
FINREP PART IIUpdate in pack due to change in Countries dropdown
F_20.04Update in Cash and Cash Balances to filter on Other Demand Deposits only
LCNew Variables for SharePremiumFixedRate and brRetainedEarningsFixedRate
Fix in 1.2 and 2.9 to use variables
Fix in 2.5 to also cater for exchange reval on 1.2 (SharePremium) and 2.9 (RetainedEarnings)